Primary Care Optometry - OPTM2291

Faculty: Faculty of Science

School: School of Optometry and Vision Science

Course Outline:

Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 6.5

Enrolment Requirements:

Prerequisites: OPTM2190, VISN2111, PHSL2101 and enrolment in program 3952; Co-requisite: VISN2211

Excluded: OPTM2211

CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


This course will build upon your experiences in OPTM2190 and complete your learning of the basic principles of refraction and ocular health assessment. Aspects of primary optometric care relating specifically to the assessment, analysis and management of more complex refractive errors and the integrity of the eye and visual pathways will be presented both theoretically and in practical terms in an integrated fashion and with particular reference to normal anatomy and physiology of the eye. This course will be delivered by lectures, tutorials, practical classes and self-directed learning. Brief curriculum: communication skills, eliciting presenting concerns, history and symptoms; refraction and the management of refractive errors in the absence of binocular vision dysfunction; assessment of the integrity of the cranial nerves, the anterior eye and ocular adnexa, ocular media, the normal fundus, visual fields, and intraocular pressure; introduction to diagnostic drugs; acquisition of technical skills with fundus lenses, gonioscopy, tonometry, visual field testing and refraction; professionalism and evidence-based practice.