Occasional Option 1: Underwater Communications - ZEIT4215

Faculty: UNSW Canberra at ADFA

School: School of Engineering & Information Technology @ UNSW Canberra at ADFA

Course Outline: https://gateway.unsw.adfa.edu.au/isas/current_students/outlines/index.html

Campus: UNSW Canberra at ADFA

Career: Undergraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 5

CSS Contribution Charge: 2 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


Principles, applications, and practical experience of four generic techniques of underwater communications. EM wave systems: signal propagation, antennas. Cable systems: umbilical and dispensed cables; ROV and AUV design. Optical systems: underwater viewing, bathymetry; AUV communications. Hydroacoustics: wave propagation, losses, transducers, noise, multipath, Sonar, signal and channel modelling, ray tracing. Marine environment: ‘adaptive’ and ‘friendly’ Sonar.