Ageing and Endings B - MFAC1526

Faculty: Faculty of Medicine

School: Faculty of Medicine

Course Outline:

Campus: Kensington Campus

Career: Undergraduate

Units of Credit: 12

EFTSL: 0.25000 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 24

CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


The two courses, Ageing and Endings A & B are complementary vertically integrated components in phase 1 of the Medicine program. The following description refers to the areas of study students will encounter upon completion of both courses. Depending upon the year of enrolment, the exact content allocated to either component will vary.
Objectives: - To gain an understanding of the particular health issues that arise in elders, building upon learning done in previous courses. The themes are menopause; the ageing process; degenerative diseases; and death, dying and palliative care.
In one of the two years, breast cancer and neurological disease will be used to explore these themes. Students will study the structure and function of the brain and central nervous system, and the pathology of stroke, dementia and neoplasia. Relevant aspects of public health, including clinical epidemiology and community resources will be explored, whilst learning of clinical skills will involve examination of the central nervous system and breast examination. In the other year, the focus will shift to the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system, including the cellular and molecular aspects of nerve transmission, membrane physiology and relevant pharmacology. The biological, psychological and behavioural aspects of pain will be used as an integrating concept to link many of these topics. Clinical skills will focus on examination of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system. A second major topic area will be further study of neoplasia, focusing on colorectal cancer.
A series of learning activities focusing on communication skills and clinical communication operates throughout phase 1 of the Medicine program. It involves learning within clinical environments and will be integrated with content topics specific to individual courses.
Assessment will involve performance in two projects/assignments and an end of course written examination.