This Sporting Life: Mapping Sports in Australia - ZPEM3216 |
DescriptionSports are key ingredients of Australian cultural identity. Per capita, Australia produces more Olympians than any other country. Why is this the case? We are also keen spectators of sport, although our sport of choice varies depending on where we live (ask a Sydneysider and a Melbournian which football code they're most keen for!). What other differences might we find in sport spectatorship and participation?!?! This course explores the geography of Australian sport through the process of creating an Atlas of Australian Sport. In this course, you will have the chance to learn about how geographers think about the world, how sports are connected to Australian geographies, and how atlases communicate information about a topic. You will have a chance to explore the geography of Australian sport in-depth by researching and creating one atlas page on an Australian Sports topic of your choice.