Design of Electronic Circuits 1 - ZEIT1206

Campus: University College Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 6
Excluded: ZITE1201
CSS Contribution Charge:Band 2 (more info)
Further Information: See Class Timetable


Resistance and Ohm's Law; Kirchoff's voltage and current laws; power; simple DC circuits; superposition; Thevenin's theorem; Norton's theorem; node and mesh analysis; dependent sources; electrical measurements; RMS voltages and currents; capacitance and inductance; impedance and admittance; phasors; simple AC circuits, transformers. Introduction to intrinsic and doped semiconductors; formation and characteristics of a PN junction diode; Zener and avalanche breakdown. Diode rectifier and simple filter circuits. Regulated power supplies using Zener diodes. Basic construction and characteristics of bipolar junction transistors (BJT); biasing circuits and Q-point selection. DC and graphical analysis of single-stage, small-signal low-frequency amplifier circuits. Introduction to electronic CAD tools (PSPICE). Operational amplifiers; ideal and non-ideal performance; introduction to filter and wave shaping circuit applications. Choosing electronic components.