Special Education in Art and Design Contexts - SAED2405 |
DescriptionSpecial Education in Art and Design Contexts extends and develops the pre-service teacher's experiences, attitudes and understandings of students with special and/or high support needs in the secondary school. Through in-class workshops, field trips, and hands on projects, students enhance their understanding of ways in which art and design can enhance the educational experiences of the special needs student. The Life-Skills component of syllabuses in Visual Arts, Design, and related subjects are introduced with regard to provision of appropriate experiences for students with special needs. The course, following a non-categorical approach, includes consideration of the psychology and special educational needs of students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities and those with physical disabilities. It also includes the diagnosis and description of physical and learning disabilities and the role of and possibilities for art and design education in providing positive, supportive and inclusive educational choices and experiences for all students.