Materials Industry Management B - MATS1343 |
DescriptionLegal Issues in Management & Business: structure of the Australian legal system; the legal process and alternative dispute resolution; business law; contract law; restrictive trade practises; consumer protection; protection and exploitation of intellectual property.
Micro- and macro-economics: economic principles; supply and demand analysis; market structures; pricing and production; market failures and regulation; the business cycle and government policy; inflation and unemployment. People management issues: diversity in the workplace: racial, gender, age, educational; leadership styles: leaders and managers, generic vs. trained, motivation, emotional intelligence; group behaviour and intergroup conflict. Operations management: management principles; operational management; risk management and AS 4360; quality management and ISO 9000; continual improvement, environmental management and ISO 14000 Occupational Health and Safety: OHS management and AS 4801. Course includes pertinent case studies and guest lecturers from industry. |