Strategic Marketing Management (Honours) - MARK3182 |
DescriptionStrategic Marketing Management is a capstone course that ‘pulls together’ what has been learned in earlier marketing courses and introduces marketing decision making and planning frameworks in the global environment: exploring strategy options; opportunity analysis; strategy setting and implementation. It also provides an opportunity to engage in a business simulation and to apply previous knowledge through case studies and projects. There is assumed knowledge in marketing prior to taking this course and it is therefore strongly recommended that you do not enrol in this course until you have successfully completed at minimum of 18 UOC of Marketing courses. Specifically, it is highly recommended that students complete Fundamentals of Marketing (MARK1012), Consumer Behaviour (MARK2051), and Marketing Research (MARK2052) prior to enrolling into this course.
The content of this course includes that of MARK3082 Strategic Marketing Management, as well as, more advanced work dealing with theoretical and research issues in marketing strategy. |