Aviation Operations Research - AVIA2601 |
DescriptionPre-requisites: MATH1031, MATH1041
The objective of this course is to expand the analytical capacity of aviation students in the area of airline operations and the capacity to develop mathematical models in order to solve operational problems in the airline business. The course starts by introducing students to basic mathematical modelling concepts, followed by the application of operations research in aviation. ILOG Studio is a mathematical package that is widely used by operations researchers in aviation. This package will be introduced to students and will be utilised throughout the course to assist students solve mathematical problems. Lecture topics in this course also include fleet assignment modelling, aircraft maintenance routing modelling, crew pairing and staff rostering. Tutorials of ILOG Studio will give students hands-on experience to learn this mathematical programming langue. Group projects will be assigned to students to apply the newly learned modelling techniques on solving operational problems of airlines. |