Elements of Mechatronic Systems - MTRN3200 |
DescriptionElectro-mechanical devices, electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic devices and their interfacing, A/D conversions, D/A conversions, sensors for motion control, encoders and decoders, digital circuits for mechatronic systems: Number systems and number theory. Symbolic logic. TTL and CMOS devices. Boolean algebra and simplification of Boolean expressions. Counters, timers and decoders. Interfacing electro-mechanical systems with micro-controllers. Elements of micro-controllers. Principal features of a microprocessor based system, microprocessor architecture and programming. Instruction sets, addressing modes, instruction timing, interrupts. Dedicated and special purpose computers. This course has 50% laboratory content during which each student will receive hands on experience in interfacing and programming of electro-mechanical systems.