
NPEP 2 follows NPEP1 and provides ongoing training as part of the practical component of the clinical neuropsychology program. It is designed to further develop your neuropsychology competencies and increase clinical experience across a wide range of presentations from childhood through to older adult. In NPEP2 you will continue with … For more content click the Read More button below. Teaching in NPEP2 is delivered via training in workshops, clinical activities on placement, feedback from placement supervisors, the Case Presentation Day and personal research. The clinical workshops of this course will provide practical training via demonstration, modelling, role plays and case discussions in professional ethics, risk management, clinical skills of assessment, case formulation and critical skills in evaluating evidence-based practice approaches. These skills flow on from information covered in Neuropsychology 1 Disruptions (PSYC7240) and NPEP1.  During placement you will be expected to undertake basic assessments with direction from your supervisor building on existing clinical skills. As the course progresses, you will take on an increasingly independent approach to client interview, selection of assessment instruments, interpretation of assessment results and communication of assessment results both written and orally.  You will also expected to prepare, negotiate, design, implement and evaluate at least one intervention for a client.  During NPEP2 you will also commence personal research in preparation for the delivery of your capstone/research project which will be completed in NPEP3.  Capstone Research Project You will need to commence personal research for your capstone/research project to be completed in NPEP3. This project will be negotiated with your supervisor but may take a variety of forms, for example - a podcast designed to provide the latest evidence on a particular disorder and its treatment, - a properly designed and completed single case experimental design evaluating a treatment, - a protocol for a randomised controlled trial into a neuropsychological intervention. By the end of NPEP2, you will be required to submit a progress report that details the rationale for the project, methodology and expected timeline for completion (in NPEP3).

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: PSYC7240

Course Attributes

Work Integrated Learning


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)