Aviation Human Factors is a multi-disciplinary subject area that influences all aspects of the aviation environment from ramp to hangar and from security screening to the flight deck. Theoretical and applied human factors perspectives will be explored on the course. Topics include modern precepts of human error, aspects of physical … For more content click the Read More button below.
This fully online course is designed for students undertaking study at the Masters level with either a first degree or substantial industry experience. It builds upon existing knowledge about the aviation industry and/or a related discipline in order to provide an interesting and challenging learning environment. The course has particular relevance for those involved in management and leadership, delving into organisational culture and the organisational influences on safety.
It is understood that some students will have little or no recent tertiary academic study experience. These students must be prepared to devote time to developing a broad suite of academic skills such as efficient online literature searching, formal academic writing, and a perspective that embraces and endeavours to understand the complexity and sometimes conflicting points of view present in the human factors literature and among aviation operators. Students will be provided with a diverse array of opportunities and resources to learn throughout the course. This includes case-study based activities, collaborative forum spaces, related readings and instructional videos, and assessments that allow students to apply knowledge and skills learnt in the course and to obtain expert feedback on their progress.
Equivalent Courses
Fully online - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
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