Anti-discrimination laws are a central feature of human rights protection in Australia, promoting the right to equality in public life. This course will examine Federal and NSW laws prohibiting discrimination on grounds including sex, race, disability and age from both a practical and theoretical perspective. It will:
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Main Topics
Introduction and overviewTheoretical underpinnings - equality, equal opportunity and discriminationThe Australian Approach to Discrimination Law - 'Direct' and 'indirect' discrimination; Special measures, affirmative action and 'positive discrimination', Vicarious liability, ancillary liability and victimizationSex, marital status and pregnancy discriminationSexual harassmentRace discriminationRacial vilificationDisability discriminationAge discriminationPractice and procedure and options for law reform
Anti-discrimination laws are a central feature of human rights protection in Australia, promoting the right to equality in public life. This course will examine Federal and NSW laws prohibiting discrimination on grounds including sex, race, disability and age from both a practical and theoretical perspective. It will:
- Consider the theoretical underpinnings of anti-discrimination laws and encourage students to think critically about the limitations of concepts of 'equality' and 'non-discrimination' in the promotion and protection of human rights
- Give students a solid practical understanding of the operation and coverage of anti-discrimination legislation and provide an overview of relevant case law to equip students for professional practice
- Examine the relationship between federal and State anti-discrimination laws
- Give students a solid practical understanding of the operation and coverage of anti-discrimination legislation and provide an overview of relevant case law to equip students for professional practice
- Develop skills in statutory interpretation and legal problem-solving in the context of discrimination laws
- Cover practical issues in the resolution of discrimination complaints, including administrative procedures before complaint-handling bodies, the process of conciliation and taking a matter before the Federal Court, Federal Magistrates Court or Administrative Decisions Tribunal
- Consider the theoretical underpinnings of anti-discrimination laws and encourage students to think critically about the limitations of concepts of 'equality' and 'non-discrimination' in the promotion and protection of human rights
- Give students a solid practical understanding of the operation and coverage of anti-discrimination legislation and provide an overview of relevant case law to equip students for professional practice
- Develop skills in legal problem-solving and statutory interpretation in the context of discrimination laws
- Consider the appropriateness of conciliation and litigation as methods of resolving complaints of discrimination
- Cover practical issues in the resolution of discrimination complaints, including administrative procedures before complaint-handling bodies, the process of conciliation and taking a matter before the Federal Court, Federal Magistrates Court or Administrative Decisions Tribunal
- Encourage students to critique the operation of anti-discrimination laws as a means of overcoming social inequality and disadvantage and consider the experiences of groups that anti-discrimination laws are designed to 'protect'
Main Topics
- Introduction and overview
- Theoretical underpinnings - equality, equal opportunity and discrimination
- The Australian Approach to Discrimination Law - 'Direct' and 'indirect' discrimination; Special measures, affirmative action and 'positive discrimination', Vicarious liability, ancillary liability and victimization
- Sex, marital status and pregnancy discrimination
- Sexual harassment
- Race discrimination
- Racial vilification
- Disability discrimination
- Age discrimination
- Practice and procedure and options for law reform