
This course, designed for postgraduate study, aims to provide up to date information on clinical management of male subfertility. A specific emphasis of this course will be on common conditions, including further investigative work-up and clinical management health. It is likely to be most relevant to primary care clinicians, nurses … For more content click the Read More button below. Physiology of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis, the Testis, and Testicular FunctionClinical Approach to the Disorders of Male ReproductionDisorders of Sexual Development and Male Hypogonadism.Male Infertility and Sperm preservation.Erectile dysfunction, Oncology and male fertility.Various Drugs effects on male fertility. Learning Outcomes By the end of this course students should be able to: Recognize the various conditions that may affect male fertility and confidently discuss methods of investigations, diagnosis and management of these conditions.Provide competent, evidence-based advice to the couple regarding the the prevalence of conditions, various treatment options and their respective success rates.Explain the risk associated with different treatment options.

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