
This course is only available to students who have been accepted to undertake the MPH (Extn), MIPH(Extn), MHM(Extn), or any of the dual programs with extension, and wish to complete the major project (18UOC) on a part-time basis over 3 terms. Students must repeat enrolment in PHCM9152 to complete the … For more content click the Read More button below. The project comprises in-depth study of a topic in public health, international public health or health services management. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills gained in the program, through: identifying and defining a significant issue; systematically collecting relevant, up-to date information about the issue; analysing, interpreting and discussing the information; drawing conclusions; making recommendations; and writing a report in a manner consistent with academic standards at Masters level. The project may be in the form of a research study, a case study, a program evaluation or a report on field placement.

Course Outline

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