
This course is offered in two modes: either face to face (on-campus) and fully online. Health data is often complex and noisy.  Obtaining actionable insights (or revealing the hidden signals) from such data requires the utilisation of probabilistic concepts.  Thus a solid understanding of the principles of statistics is intrinsic … For more content click the Read More button below. The course design is highly innovative and novel.  Statistical computing is used to gain a sound understanding of statistical theories and concepts.  Specifically, this course draws on the practical application of Monte Carlo algorithms, which are a very effective method of statistical computing.  Once this illustrative approach has (a posteriori) demonstrated a theory, it will then be stated formally. The core content will be delivered through a flipped approach utilising audio-visual excerpts on the Moodle TELT platform, supported by presentations from Centre for Big Data Research in Health (CBDRH) experts.  Statistical computing will be used as the process that drives the content.  Peer instruction via discussion during face-to-face sessions will offer support in the form of collaborative learning.  Active participation will be encouraged throughout, along with a reflective outlook.

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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