This course provides training in the basic skills required for conservation research, through internship within a research group in the School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences. The internship will provide intensive, hands on training in aspects of scientific research relevant to conservation, combining some or all of the following … For more content click the Read More button below.
This course provides training in the basic skills required for conservation research, through internship within a research group in the School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences. The internship will provide intensive, hands on training in aspects of scientific research relevant to conservation, combining some or all of the following elements:a)experimental designb)literature searchesc)field and lab techniquesd)data analysis and modelinge)scientific writingAssessment is based on attendance in the lab and field, development of analytical and presentation skills, and a substantial literature review. The review topic will be selected by the student in consultation with the Course Authority, and will cover a conservation topic relevant to the research group, or a species or ecosystem the research group is studying.A list of potential projects and supervisors can be obtained through the Course Authority after enrolments for S2 open. Each student must develop their own program in consultation and collaboration with the Academic supervisor, ideally involving exposure to a broad cross-section of the elements involved in scientific research. This could include interaction with municipal and state government, community groups and appropriate industry bodies for possible projects. The program includes compulsory attendance at weekly school seminars, and a limited number of classes aimed at developing research skills.