
This course examines the way in which the law structures cities and suburbs. It begins by asking: what does justice mean in an urban context? Students will explore the growing literature on urban justice, including concepts of the Right to the City, the Just City, spatial justice, and environmental justice. … For more content click the Read More button below. Main topics Theories of urban justiceThe legal framework for strategic planning and development assessment in NSWDemocracy and public participation in planning and developmentEcologically sustainable development, ecology and the cityHeritage, 'character'? and equityThe relationships between property, 'community'? and exclusionUrban activism in Sydney and internationallyTrends in the governance of the built environment and their implications for justice This course will be useful for students with interests in: environmental, property and real estate law, urban development and public policy. Cities are a fascinating topic for study, and the course will develop a critical understanding of intersections between law and fields such as urban studies, geography, economics, public health and social policy. The course overlaps somewhat with JURD 7371 Development and Planning Law and students are excluded from doing both. JURD 7371 Development and Planning Law is more focussed the practice of planning law in New South Wales, whereas this course is broader and more theoretical.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisites: Completion of 36 UOC of JURD courses including Land Law (JURD7283/JURD7282) for students enrolled prior to 2013. For students enrolled after 2013, completion of 72 UOC of JURD courses including Land Law (JURD7283).

Course Outline

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