This course permits an individual student to undertake a research project on a legal topic of his or her choice. The project must have a clearly defined topic which has been approved by the academic supervisor of the project. Students should approach potential supervisors to discuss a) their availability to … For more content click the Read More button below.
This is a supervised research exercise. Subject to the requirements of individual supervisors, students are expected to provide supervisors with at least a full plan for their project and one draft during the session prior to submission. Supervisors and students should negotiate at the beginning when they will meet, when work will be handed in, and what kind of feedback will be given.
For enrolment in a 2 UOC Research Thesis the following requirements must be met:
A member of staff has agreed to supervise the project.The project is clearly defined and is approved by the supervisor.The student has a sufficient academic background in legal study to enable the thesis to be completed in a satisfactory manner (as a general rule a weighted average mark of at least 65% (Credit) in previous law courses is required.Students who have recorded an academic failure in the year prior may have their application refused.Students who have recorded an academic failure in a research intensive course at any point in the past may have their application refused.A permanent or sessional member of academic staff may be the primary supervisor, but in the latter case a permanent member of staff must also be recorded on the enrolment. Generally this will be the sessional staff members' Faculty contact person.
Please refer to the UNSW Law website to download the Research Thesis Application Form and to access the Research Thesis Information Sheet.
Marking Criteria
Researching and writing a research thesis is intended to give you the opportunity to focus in depth on an area of particular interest to you, to learn more about that area, to view it in context, to offer commentary on the area, and to demonstrate your ability to communicate that material in written form. Writing a research thesis should give you the opportunity to present a more sustained and developed argument that would shorter or alternative assessment forms.In assessing your research thesis examiner/s will be looking for:
Evidence of initiative in researching;Well structured and fluent writing style (with sufficient attention to detail);Persuasive and well thought-out argument/s;Evidence of critical and analytical engagement with the subject matter;Appropriate use of resources;Appropriate use evidence or examples to support your argumentAppropriate references and referencing system.
Conditions for Enrolment
72 UOC of JURD courses
Exclusion Courses
Course Outline
To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):
Type | Amount |
Commonwealth Supported Students (if applicable) | $457 |
Domestic Students | $1750 |
International Students | $2060 |
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