
In general, Family Law deals primarily with the legal principles, processes and institutions applicable to different types of domestic relationships, especially those arising from marriage and various forms of unmarried cohabitation (heterosexual or same-sex), and those arising between parents and children. Main Topics The constitutional framework of family law;Marriage and … For more content click the Read More button below. There are not normally any pre-requisites for this course, although it is generally regarded as a later year elective. Family Law mainly deals with topics not covered elsewhere in the curriculum, and the course is designed so as to avoid overlap with related subjects such as Children and the Law. It will be especially relevant to students with an interest in the legal regulation of family relationships, including issues arising from sex and gender and notions of children’s rights, and to students who wish to qualify themselves for general legal practice (especially in suburban and country firms) or for specialised family law practice.

Conditions for Enrolment

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Course Outline

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