Taxation of Trusts - TABL5505
Faculty: UNSW Business School
School: School of Taxation and Business Law
Course Outline: TABL5505 Course Outline
Campus: Sydney
Career: Postgraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 0
Enrolment Requirements:
In program: 5231, 5540, 5740, 7321, 8428, 9200, 9210, 9231, 9255, 9257, 9260, 9273, TABLBS9250,TABLDS9250,TABLFS9250,TABLIS9250. Student in 5231, 5740, 8428, 9200, 9210, 9231 must complete TABL5551 or TABL5901 or equivalent before enrolling.
Excluded: ATAX0305, ATAX0505, TABL3005, ATAX0605
CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
The trust is a major form of vehicle used for holding investment assets, carrying on business, transferring family wealth to future generations and for income splitting. Furthermore, most superannuation funds are, in fact, trusts. The trust is not a distinct legal entity and is not taxed as a separate entity. The primary rule is that the beneficiary under a trust is subject to tax. Only where the beneficiary is not subject to tax will the trustee be assessed to pay tax.
This course is mainly concerned with establishing when the primary rule applies, and when it is displaced by the exceptional rules. An understanding of the specific tax treatment of trusts is important to any student setting out to acquire, or refine, an understanding of the Australian tax system.
Recommended Prior Knowledge
As in many other areas of taxation, the analysis of the tax treatment of trusts necessarily involves a consideration of capital gains tax issues. You may, accordingly, benefit from undertaking the course TABL5515 Taxation of Capital Gains prior to, or concurrently with, this course.
This course is mainly concerned with establishing when the primary rule applies, and when it is displaced by the exceptional rules. An understanding of the specific tax treatment of trusts is important to any student setting out to acquire, or refine, an understanding of the Australian tax system.
Recommended Prior Knowledge
As in many other areas of taxation, the analysis of the tax treatment of trusts necessarily involves a consideration of capital gains tax issues. You may, accordingly, benefit from undertaking the course TABL5515 Taxation of Capital Gains prior to, or concurrently with, this course.