Systems Engineering Practice - ZEIT8226

Faculty: UNSW Canberra at ADFA

School: School of Engineering & Information Technology @ UNSW Canberra at ADFA

Course Outline: ZEIT226 Course Outline

Campus: UNSW Canberra at ADFA

Career: Postgraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3

Enrolment Requirements:

Restricted to students enrolled in Graduate Diploma or Masters programs.

CSS Contribution Charge: 2 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


This course provides students with an overview of Systems Engineering theory including process, management, related disciplines and tools. A simulated design exercise allows students to apply Knowledge of Systems Engineering processes and management to real-life system development. Throughout the exercise, design reviews are conducted to evaluate progress and introduce realistic development issues.

Learning Outcomes

The major goal of this course is to provide you with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the processes and management practices associated with the systems engineering discipline. Most importantly, you will have applied this knowledge to a major project in order to reinforce the body of knowledge presented during the course.

Delivery Mode

Distance and Intensive Distance Mode CTMC




There are two assessment items in this course: three online tests (30% @ 10% each), and two assignments (70% @ 35% each)

Course Texts

Prescribed texts:
Faulconbridge, R.I. and Ryan, M. J.,
Systems Engineering Practice, Canberra: Argos Press, 2014.

Recommended texts:
While there is no additional reading recommended for this
course, you are expected to utilise a library and online
sources to obtain additional resources.
The course Moodle site contains other resources to assist you with the completion of your assignment.



The course Moodle site contains other resources to assist you
with the completion of your assignment.