Spaceborne Imaging Technology - ZEIT8221
Faculty: UNSW Canberra at ADFA
School: School of Engineering & Information Technology @ UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Course Outline: ZEIT8221 Course Outline
Campus: UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Career: Postgraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Restricted to students enrolled in Graduate Diploma or Masters programs.
CSS Contribution Charge: 2 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
Planck's blackbody radiation law, atmospheric transmission and atmospheric windows. Wavelength ranges available for earth imaging and corresponding energy-matter interaction mechanisms. Detectors in the visible and reflective infrared regimes. Imaging spectrometry. Thermal detectors. Passive and active microwave sensing of earth surface features, including synthetic aperture radar methods. Spaceborne imaging systems including Landsat MSS and TM, Spot HRV, SIR A, B, C, ERS-1, JERS-1, Radarsat and aircraft systems. Image processing methods used in support of image interpretation.
Please Note
The additional information below reflects the most recent offering and may be subject to change.
Learning Outcomes
At the successful conclusion of this course students will be able to:
1. Apply Planck’s black body radiation law to explain the wavelength selections for different types of remote sensing.
2. Describe the spectral characteristics of typical materials and objects
3. Describe the backscattering characteristics of typical materials and objects
4. Undertake image processing and classification
1. Apply Planck’s black body radiation law to explain the wavelength selections for different types of remote sensing.
2. Describe the spectral characteristics of typical materials and objects
3. Describe the backscattering characteristics of typical materials and objects
4. Undertake image processing and classification
Delivery Mode
- Introduction and Imaging Modalities. Optical Remote Sensing Systems. Spectral Reflectance Characteristics of Earth Surface Features.
- Distortions in Optical Image Data and Correction.
- Radiometric and Geometric Enhancement Techniques.
- Interpretation of Image Data by a Human Analyst.
- Introduction to Machine Interpretation Techniques.
- Quantitative Analysis - Supervised classification technique.
- Quantitative Analysis - Unsupervised classification techniques
- Imaging Spectrometry.
Assignment 1 30%
Assignment 2 30%
Open book exam 40%
Assignment 2 30%
Open book exam 40%
Course Texts
Prescribed Texts:
J.A. Richards and X. Jia, Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 4e, 2006.
T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer and Jonathan W. Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Wiley, 5th ed., 2004, or 6th ed., 2007.
Recommended Texts:
R.A. Schowengerdt, Remote Sensing, Models and Methods for Image Processing, Academic Press, 3rd ed., 2006.
F.T. Ulaby, R.K. Moore & A.K. Fung, Microwave Remote Sensing: Active and Passive. Vols 1,2,3, Reading, Mass, 1986.
J.A. Richards and X. Jia, Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 4e, 2006.
T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer and Jonathan W. Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Wiley, 5th ed., 2004, or 6th ed., 2007.
Recommended Texts:
R.A. Schowengerdt, Remote Sensing, Models and Methods for Image Processing, Academic Press, 3rd ed., 2006.
F.T. Ulaby, R.K. Moore & A.K. Fung, Microwave Remote Sensing: Active and Passive. Vols 1,2,3, Reading, Mass, 1986.