Assessment for Learning: From Theory to Practice - EDST5443

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

School: School of Education

Course Outline: School of Education Course Outlines

Campus: Kensington Campus

Career: Postgraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 2

Enrolment Requirements:

Prerequisite: Enrolment in one of the following Education programs 1970, 2354, 2359, 7960, 8910, 8926, or 8960

CSS Contribution Charge: 1* (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


This course explores the underlying philosophy and rationale for assessment for learning, and the key approaches and problems in the implementation of such classroom-based assessment, inclusing the implicatsons for the role of the teacher-as-assessor, the nature of effective feedback, how to involve students in self and peer assessment, and the conflicts between such assessment systems and those emphasizing large scale testing for student selection and/or school accountability.