Customer Relationship Management - MARK6006 |
DescriptionCustomer relationship management is an enterprise-wide customer-centric approach to maximising customer value. It is aimed at creating long-lasting and profitable relationships with individual customers - in both B2B and B2C contexts. To be effective it requires the creation and maintenance of a direct link between the organisation and its customers. Developments in technology have allowed organizations to look at their customers as individuals and to gather, store and analyse customer-based information. An outcome is an increase in the use of direct marketing techniques such as those for designing and managing consumer databases and customer service centres. Topics include: creating a conducive organisational structure, creating and using databases, managing loyalty programs, the strategic use of consumer data, managing direct distribution and direct communication (electronic and surface mail), consumer databases and privacy, ethics and regulation. Participants will be exposed to a range of relationship-building strategies and techniques, as well as software and eCRM technologies.
Exclusion: MARK5985 |